eCaMIS Desktop is the hub of eCaMIS modules and delivers:
- Integration - A standard graphical user interface for all applications, allowing users to easily switch between tasks without the need to log in and out. The same display and interaction methods are used throughout.
- Security & Configurability - eCaMIS controls access down to the level of individual actions. Users are given access only to required functionality, thus streamlining operations. The eCaMIS centrally administered Configuration System allows easy specification of system settings on a user, group and site basis.
- Familiarity & Usability - User-specific Desktop settings are retained on logout and are unaffected by other users using CaMIS on the same machine. The variety of display and interaction methods available within eCaMIS supports users in choosing the methods they are most comfortable with.
- Workflow-enabled - eCaMIS views enable users to overview data on a variety of different levels, with the full benefit of a graphical system. These views are workflow-enabled: users may drag and drop directly from the view to the functional component in one quick and easy action.
eCaMIS Desktop - software components:
Clinical Viewer - The eCaMIS flagship product. A patient's complete clinical record is displayed along a graphical timeline, with access to details of any displayed event. Integration with 3rd party systems is available.
Patient Index - Administration of patient details, allowing registration, update, merging of duplicate patient records with maximum retention of data, registering deaths and de-activating patient records.
Printed Outputs - Create and administer database-driven templates in either Microsoft© Word or the bespoke eCaMIS template development tool, which includes powerful word processing and data manipulation capability. Templates may be administered for particular users, groups and events as required, ensuring only the appropriate templates are displayed.
Access Control - A powerful integrated tool for managing both eCaMIS user accounts and access to functionality via an easy-to-use graphical interface. Includes a view of currently logged in users and a broadcast message action for communicating to directly with eCaMIS users.
Configuration System - Hierarchical configuration tool enabling central administration of system settings for all installed components via a single interface. Options for individual users, groups and hospital site.